25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Read this week's bulletin to see the latest from St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.
Dear Friends,
In several places, Jesus speaks of child-likeness as necessary for being in relationship with God. In today’s gospel, Jesus, a son himself, takes a child and essentially equates that child with himself.
What a profound lesson! Jesus, who is God-in-the-flesh, takes a little one, often overlooked, completely dependent on others, to show what is valuable to him. What is he asking for? What is hoping to find in us? A willingness to be dependent. To recognize that all that we have is from the Lord, and to continue to go to the Father for what we really need, with filial confidence. When we are self-sufficient, “adults” who have no more dependence on their parents, we run the risk of losing our identity. We are always sons and daughters of our Father.
To be reminded of this and to keep our capacity for receiving from God, we have to learn to give as well. Who is in need? Who is dependent on me? “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain asked the Lord God. Yes. And the more we are able to see the needy and helpless, the dependent, as equal to me, then I can receive that which is greater: God himself.
-Fr. Kennell
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