22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Read this week's bulletin to see the latest from St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.
Dear Friends,
Welcome to September! It’s amazing to me that we’ve already begun the final quarter of the year 2024. Somebody recently uttered a phrase to me that I don’t think I’ve heard before but probably rings true to a lot of people: The days move slowly, but the years go by quickly. … That statement probably is more acutely felt by those who have a couple or more decades behind them. For the young ones, maybe not as much. Indeed, the school year probably seems like an eternity for those in the elementary, middle, and high school grades.
Why am I talking about any of this? Well, as we are in September, we are coming to that point in the year when traditionally in a lot of areas in the country, summer is seen to have concluded and it’s time to take up intellectual pursuits again. The same is true here. Beginning this month, our Men’s and Women’s Bible studies, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), Living Liturgically (K-5 religious education), Catholic Student Ministries ([CSM] - middle and high school youth groups), as well as other educational and “going deeper” opportunities will launch here at the parish. Keep your eyes and ears open for some other new experiences to come. If you haven’t yet registered your child for any of the offerings, please do so by going to our website, calling the office, or checking the bulletin for a QR code. If you are interested in becoming Catholic, please come grab me after Mass sometime, call the office, or email catholicism@saintjohnpc.org.
I look forward to what this “year” has in store for all of us here at St. John. There will be some things happening down the line that I am particularly excited about. So, as ever, more to come!
-Fr. Kennell
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opportunities for fellowship.